Vilkår og politikker


Niels Hammekenip aqq. 26B
PO Box 22
3900 Nuuk, Greenland
CVR: 43263080
Phone: (+299) 54 97 48

Greenland Cruises, now GC, has a product-insurance through CODAN-insurance. GC only uses approved boats by the Danish Søfartsstyrelsen for passenger sailing, and only boats with valid insurances. Likewise only helicopters with all necessary permits from ‘Statens Lufthavnsvæsen’ and compulsory insurances are used.

Reservations are finally confirmed when the payment for the tours/excursions has gone through unless other arrangements have been made between the customer and GC.

GC reserves the right to cancel arrangements on the following conditions: Too few enrolments, bad ice-conditions, technical problems on boats or helicopters, Search And Rescue-flights and bad weather. It is respectively the captain on the helicopters and boats or GC who decides if the weather is to carry out or not – not the customers.

If GC cancels an excursion, because of the reasons mentioned above, the full amount will be refunded to the customer, including all other fees there have been paid.

If the customer has bought other excursions at GC and one excursion influence the other tours in the program we will with no costs try to adjust the whole program so everything can be done. If excursions in this connection should be cancelled we also refund those, provided they are ordered through GC. GC doesn’t undertake the responsibility for other operators’ excursions if changes in the program affect these.

When excursions are cancelled because of the reasons mentioned above, cases can occur when someone with a guarantied ticket doesn’t go, while others do. There is not alone made prioritizing of when the ticket is bought, as other considerations can enter into it. It is GC alone who on the day decides who is to take part in the component excursions.

Excursions can, of various reasons be shortened or changed on the way. It can be the weather, snow conditions on the trail, ice conditions etc.
Hikes can change because of fog or other kinds of weather conditions which doesn’t allow the completion of the hike or planed route. It is the guide on the hike alone who decides this. Subsequently no compensation is given for changed or shortened hikes.

Helicopter trips can be changed in route and length because of unforeseen weather conditions e.g. fog, strong wind etc. It is only the pilot who decides this. If the helicopter trip has been reduced by a number of minutes, the missing/lost minutes will be refunded, if it crosses 25% of the trip’s length altogether. There is no refund for missing landing and ground stop.

Boat trips can change in route and length depending on the weather and ice-conditions. It is the captain alone who decides this. Subsequently the lost minutes of sailing will be refunded, if this crosses 25% of the excursion altogether. There is no refund on any lacking/missing time on land.
When the excursion is paid for and confirmed, it is not possible to cancel, change or hand over the ticket.

GC doesn’t take the responsibility for delays in the journey to destinations where you have booked tours/excursions in case of irregularity at tour operators. Should you be delayed in your journey to destinations where you have booked tours/excursions, which means you can’t participate in a bought excursion, we ask you to contact GC as soon as possible. We will in every single case try to move the excursion, but there is no guaranty of this being possible.

Certain excursions have a given minimum number of participants. The given number is written in the certain excursions. We do, in few cases, go through with fewer participants. Cancellation of excursions because of too few participants can happen just an hour before the start of the excursion. If this should happen, we will offer something alternative. If this is not possible, we cancel and refund the excursion. In addition to this, no claim for compensation can be done against GC.

We reserve the right to change the written times in the program should this be necessary.

There is no right to withdraw from experiences and excursions bought at GC. The common right to withdraw doesn’t count on e.g. arrangements on accommodation, transport, provisioning, recreational activities, if it emerges on the agreement on which day or in which period the arrangement is done. Therefore withdrawals are following the mentioned cancellation rules.

GC renounces any responsibility in proportion to cancelled excursions and compensations to expected experiences. Furthermore we also renounce any liability to pay compensation in proportions to delays which means that the participant lose connection to other transports.

Furthermore GC limits the liability to pay compensation for the transporters that are relevant for the sum/amount laid down in the Warszawa-convention and for sea transport referring to the sum/amount laid down in Athens convention.

Any complaints are to be stated during the outing so the unsatisfactory conditions/circumstances can be tried to be solved at once. They are also going to be directed to the staff of GC immediately after the ending of the tour/trip. If you can’t solve the complaint, a written complaint is to be sent no later than 3 weeks after returning from the trip. In all proceedings against GC, the Greenlandic judicial system is used.

At GC we have to reserve the right after reservation, to increase the price because of changes in the conditions of purchases, cost of transport (including the price of fuel, taxes, charges or fees like airport-, landing- or take-off fees), foreign exchange quotations or other circumstances that we as organizers can take into account beforehand. This hardly ever happens.

GC has the compulsory product insurances. But it doesn’t cover insurance of the participant’s personal belongings. Should personal belongings be damaged or lost on the excursion it is at one’s own expense or insurance. We therefore recommend that you write an insurance that covers these cases before leaving the native country.

We have done our best to avoid misprints in our catalogues, brochures, advertisements and in our website, but of course it could slip. Therefore we make a reservation for misprints in these printed media. Any demand against gC is to be settled by/with the Greenlandic judicial system.

Payment for excursions/services must be paid prior to arrival.

Payment for excursions and other services according to agreement between the customer and GC – is due for payment 7 days prior upon arrival in the first port.

In case of further registrations for shore excursions and other service/ad hoc sales/extra sales of excursions – this information must be announced to GC at least 24 hours before arrival. Payment must be transferred to GC’s bank account prior of arrival to the dock – or paid in cash at the dock.

There will not be provided services if not paid in advance.

Greenland Cruises ApS

Niels Hammekenip aqq. 26B
3900 Nuuk

CVR nr.: 43263080

Kontakt Information


Telefon: +299 54 97 48